Butter to Olive Oil Conversion

Conversion Chart Butter/Margarine                 Extra Virgin Olive Oil1 tsp……………….………….………………………3/4 tsp.1 tbsp………..………….…………………………. 2 1/4 tsp.1/4 cup ….………….……………………………….3 Tbsp.1/3 cup …………….………………………………..1/4 cup1/2 cup……….………….…………………………..1/4 cup + 2 Tbsp.2/3 cup…………………….…………………………1/2 cup3/4 cup ………..………….…………………………1/2 cup + 1 Tbsp.1 cup……………………….………………………….3/4 cup

How to Marinate with Olive Oils and Balsamic Vinegar

Techniques for Using Olive Oil Trader’s Oils & Vinegars Marinate  Coat food in a mixture of Olive Oil Trader’s EVOO and balsamic and let it rest for a certain amount of time. The purpose of marinating is for the food to absorb the flavors of the marinade or, as in the case of a tough […]